After staying a few more days than planned, I flew back from sunny Florida to a snowy New England. I brought Hershey Kisses and put them in cellophane Valentine bags for the crew. My goal was to make sure the pilots and flight attendants got them directly. In light of the terrible tragedy that happened last week, it felt even more important to send them some kindness. I handed them to the flight attendant who greeted me as I entered the plane and I acknowledged the difficult week. I had five bags and there were six of them working including the pilots. So, next time I’ll bring six! But it wasn’t at all uncomfortable. She passed them out and I could hear them laughing. The man behind me told me that he had never considered doing such a thing and thought it was very kind. #missionaccomplished
Science of kindness: Research shows that giving gifts reduces stress for the giver and receiver. Research also reveals that kindness is contagious. The flight attendants were happy and maybe the man behind me will bring kindness candy on his next flight. #kindnessmatters #kindness #kindnessiscontagious @10kindnessclub