18 Feb

Day 50 of a year of KindnessI sent a children’s book, “The Struggle Bus,” by Julie Koon, to a new friend. Kevin Monroe helps people and organizations incorporate gratitude for better life/work outcomes. He gives people the tools to get off the Struggle Bus. I like this book because everyone rides the Struggle Bus and we all know people who never get off. They blame the balding tires, the poor weather, the maps - it’s everyone else’s fault. This book reminds me that we can be kind to ourselves, ask for help, and step off the Struggle Bus.

Science of kindness: In a recent study, people who need help overestimate how much of an inconvenience it will cause someone to help them. They also underestimate how much the helper will benefit. If you are successful at helping someone who asks for help, it makes you feel competent and valued. Acts of kindness - the willingness to help - strengthens social bonds and contributes to better mental and physical health for both the giver and receiver. #kindnessmatters #kindness #KindnessIsContagious #thestrugglebus #juliekoon

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